sábado, 7 de diciembre de 2013

A bathtub on the road

Some time ago, I was driving home on the highway when, suddenly, I saw a bathtub in front of me. Can you imagine? Astonished, I strongly grasped the steering wheel, braked hard and moved to the next lane. This event made me think of fate and all the things (good or bad) that can happen to us in life. The good ones are welcome but... what about the rest?

From my point of view, we have the moral duty to try to overcome all the difficulties and hardships of life the best we can. When we struggle, we do it not only as a single human being, but also as a member of a species. Moreover, not only do we enjoy being happy, but we also enjoy happiness around us; therefore, the happier we are the happier those around us are.

Whenever I feel upset, I try to focus on the positive side of things. No matter how desperate a situation can be, it could always have been worse. I guess that this strategy works simply because it helps us to forget negative aspects.

Consequently, I find trying to pay attention to the positive aspects of life of the highest importance, concentrating on what we have instead of what we lack.

At this point, I would like to mention a quote by Rabindranath Tagore: 'If you cry because the sun has gone out of your life, your tears will prevent you from seeing the stars'.

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